Download the Nomination Petition
Official Rules and Procedures
Per Article 10, Section 1 of the By‐laws there will be an election for the CEMA Executive Board in August/September of 2023. The terms of CEMA Executive Board members expire and new terms begin upon certification of election results. The following positions will be up for election:
- President
- Senior Vice President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- 1 Member-at-Large for Monterey County
- 1 Member-at-Large for Santa Clara County Superior Court
- 3 Members-at-Large for Santa Clara County
The CEMA Executive Board is responsible for directing CEMA’s programs including professional development, representation services and collective bargaining. Detailed descriptions of offices and duties can be found in the CEMA Bylaws.
Nomination for Office
- A Nomination Petition may be obtained from the CEMA office or downloaded from the CEMA website's 2023 CEMA Executive Board Election Information page.
- Nominations will be made by Nomination Petition signed by at least ten (10) members in good standing (dues paying members). Please confirm membership status with the CEMA office to ensure compliance. Members may nominate themselves.
- The Nomination Petition must be filed with the Election Committee no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the emailing of the ballot (August 14, 2023 at 3 PM).
- A Statement of Candidacy from the nominated person indicating his or her willingness to serve, if elected, must accompany the petition.
- Should no one submit a petition by the deadline (August 14, 2023 at 3 PM), the Election Committee may nominate a candidate(s) without a petition. (Bylaws Article 10 Section 4)
- All qualified nominated candidates will be placed on the ballot.
Statement of Candidacy Format
No larger than one 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper that contains:
One (1) picture
No more than 500 words
Word must be typed
All margin around the sheet area must be at .5”
Statement will be scanned and published on CEMA website as submitted. (No alterations will be made)
Voting (Bylaws Article 10 Section 5)
Elections shall be conducted by secured secret ballot, either electronically, in person or by post. Only members in good standing are eligible to vote. Proxy voting is prohibited. A majority of valid ballots cast shall determine the elected candidates for each office. In the event of a tie vote, a run-off election shall be conducted. The Election Committee will submit a written report to the Executive Board with a summary of election results within 10 days of the election. The Election Committee summary will be shared with membership and made available on the website. The elected officers shall assume office on the first calendar day of the new year or in the case of a run-off, at the first Executive Board meeting following the run-off election.
Challenges (Bylaws Article 10 Section 6)
Challenges to or disputes arising from an election must be submitted to the Election Committee within three (3) business days of the submission of the committee's election report to the Executive Board. Challenges must be submitted in writing and must cite specific violation(s) of the election rules and procedures. Challenges to the election will be considered valid only if they cite specific violations of election rules and procedures and if the alleged violation may have affected the outcome of the election. The Election Committee shall investigate and resolve challenges within ten (10) business days of receipt of the challenge. The Election Committee may order a rerun of all or part of the election.
While a challenge is being resolved, the contested office remains vacant.
Appeals (Bylaws Article 10 Section 7)
Challenges or disputes, which are denied or cannot be resolved by the Election Committee, may be appealed in writing to the Executive Board within five (5) business days of receipt of the Election Committee's decision. The Executive Board shall investigate and respond within ten (10) business days of receipt of the challenge. Challenges to the election will be considered valid only if they cite specific violations of the election rules, procedures, and bylaws and if the alleged violation may have affected the outcome of the election. The Executive Board may order a rerun of all or part of the election.
While an appeal is being resolved, the contested office remains vacant.
These are the official timelines governing this election.
- 3/14/2023 Election Committee empaneled.
- 7/17/2023 Election Notice sent to CEMA membership 30 days prior to electronic election link sent per Bylaws Article 10 Section 3.
- 8/14/2023 Nominating Petition and, if desired, the statement of candidacy due by 3:00 PM. Due 10 days prior to ballots per Bylaws Section 4.
- 8/18/2023 The Elections Committee to review Nominating Petitions.
- 8/31/2023 Link to electronic election e‐mailed to CEMA members in good standing. At least 30 days after issuing the Election Notice per Bylaws Article 10, Section 3; Statement of candidacy posted to CEMA Website.
- 9/7/2023 Final day to vote via electronic election close of link at 11:59 PM.
- 9/8/2023 The Elections Committee will verify ballots and post results on the CEMA website.
- 9/18/2023 Election Committee will submit a written report to the Executive Board with a summary of election results within 10 days of the election. (Bylaws Article 10 Section 5)
- 9/21/2023 Challenges to or disputes arising from an election due by 3:00 PM. Due within three business days after submission of election report to the Executive Board. (Bylaws Article 10 Section 6)
- 10/5/2023 Election Committee shall investigate and resolve challenges within ten (10) business days of receipt of the challenge to the Executive Board. (If any) (Bylaws Article 10 Section 6)
- 10/12/2023 Appeals due by 3:00 PM. (If any) Due in 5 business days per Bylaws Section 7.
- 10/26/2023 Executive Board resolution of appeals. (If any) Due in 10 business days per Bylaws Section 7.
1/1/2024 Executive Board seated Jan 1, 2024.
Election Committee Contact Information
Election Committee Email: [email protected]
Mike Fong (Chair): [email protected]
Bren Lehr: [email protected]
Election Information Website:
CEMA Office Phone Number:
(408) 289‐9691
CEMA Office Fax:
(408) 289-1128
Download the Nomination Petition
2023 Election Committee
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